Finding Joy


Are you making time in your life for joy?  Sadly, for most of us, the answer is no. Most of us go about our busy days going through the motions. However, taking time to feel joy is the best way to live an inspired, happy, and meaningful life.

We live in a world where we are always accessible. A world where we are attached to our phones. A world where we live by our “to do” lists. A world where our accomplishments hinge on how much we get done in a day. And a world where we feel guilty for taking time off… I mean, what are we doing to ourselves!?! Why are we choosing to live this way? What are we teaching our children?

Joy is limitless. There is joy all around us. There is so much joy within us already.  We just have to awaken ourselves to the idea that we deserve it.  Not just occasionally, not just once a month or once a week, but daily.  Yes, daily. We deserve to have joy in our lives on a daily basis.  And we must be the ones to hold ourselves responsible and accountable, for that joy.


So let’s make a change together.  Let’s work on shifting what we deem successful.  It’s time to make the decision to make you a priority. It’s time for a daily date with you and joy.

If you are a planner set these moments of joy a week, even 2 weeks in advance on your calendar.  If you’re like me, and fly by the seat of your pants, put it on your to do list that morning. This might be a struggle at first (and think how crazy this statement sounds) but we have to re-train our minds to be comfortable with joy.  We have to re-train ourselves to make time for us.  Even if it is just 5 minutes to sit quietly, 10 minutes to take a walk, 15 minutes to read a book, or call me crazy… use that gift certificate.  I love the saying we are human be-ings, not human do-ings.  Let’s be joy!!!

Here Are a Few Suggestions that Help Me Bring More Joy Into My Life.

  • Take a moment and answer the following questions.  (Remember, you are only asking for yourself, not trying to impress someone.) Once you have your answers for today, take action. 

  • Add at least one of the answers to your to do list. Perhaps, put the questions on a note card beside your bed and every morning, before you pick up your phone, ask them to yourself. 

  • Make these questions a habit.  Add at least one answer to your to do list every day. Or as I mentioned above, plan ahead.  

  • The more you ask these questions, the louder the answers get.  The more natural it becomes to fit them in your day.  The more joyful you are.

    • What do I want?

    • What would feel good to me, what energizes me?

    • What excites me, or ignites passion?

    • What brings me peace?

    • What would make me smile today?

  • Be silly!  Jump up and down until you laugh.  Movement stimulates your body and combined with laughter can easily bring joy into your life.

  • Just start laughing.  Laugh as loud as you can and watch what happens.

  • Sing out loud! Why not?

  • Call a friend, set up a playdate for yourself.

  • One of my favs… hot apple pie and ice cream for breakfast.

  • Go buy that expensive cup of coffee, you deserve it!

  • Go to the beach and draw in the sand.

  • Go to Beach Yoga 

  • Believe in yourself.

I would love to hear the ways you bring joy into your life.  Post in the comments below

Serenity Tree Yoga offers regular Charleston Beach Yoga Classes all around the area, as well as Bachelorette Yoga and Wedding Day Yoga Packages.


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